Friday, January 2, 2009

introduction - The Heroes Issue

Lo and behold! DeeTu has made it to the second issue. We really should have had this introduction ready on the first day of Jan. But we were drunk. So, this is a belated announcement that this month’s theme is heroes. Yes, heroes! Heroes! Yeahhhhhhhhhhh! Let’s all repeat: Heroesssssssss!

Anywho, heroes is the theme for this month. And as always, the good people here at DeeTu are inviting You to pitch your ideas, suggestions, works to us at, whether hero-related or not. For the Bobs out there who just want to read without input. That’s okay too, cos this issue is going to be packed with material on how to be a hero, save the day, get the girl, rah rah rah…cos that’s why you read DeeTu isn’t? So you can find out how to be popular and cool? You…

Anywho, I thought I would end the intro with a little rhyme, cos Kanye West is a shit.

Here goes: (This should be ideally wailed along to the Korean beatbox remix of Canon in D major)

The theme for this month is heroes,
You know, those guys with flouro-
resecent lycra tights
who like to show off their might
like overrated celebrities flouting the influence of their autographs
such as the Dalai Lama, but let’s
not forget Kanye West!

Cos heroes are nothing but signs
Of an inefficient society dominated by one kind
Of people (according to Huxley). And they’re called heartless CEO’s
Who have paperweights made of gold
And other rare metals, like bronze
Which is goldier than silver, but I digress,
Cos heroes are the best!

Whew, got there in the end.


1 comment:

wolfs said...

like, way to steal my goldier than silver line which i stole from kellogs